The leaves are brown and black, Fruits are stale with no birds to peck, The leaves are brown and black, Fruits are stale with no birds to peck,
You don't need to say yes, loudly, But just give a sign mildly, You don't need to say yes, loudly, But just give a sign mildly,
The stupid Heart bears the chide (everyday); But it's stupid enough not to ponder... The stupid Heart bears the chide (everyday); But it's stupid enough not to po...
The breeze that told me to sing of love, has gone with the wing of despair. The breeze that told me to sing of love, has gone with the wing of despair.
For me, Love is never quixotic. For me, Love is never quixotic.
The poet shows how he is waiting for a lover like a tree. The poet shows how he is waiting for a lover like a tree.